4 Yahudah

The 4th Tribe of YeShar’Al

MaLaK Al Yahudah son of Ye’IKuB, born of LA’aH

aka “Al Judah “

The Emerald Lion of Judah T-shirt

tribal culture super hero vigilante t-shirts  featuing the emrald lion of judah from the tribesmen universe by israel villa the…

1 year ago

Judah the 4th son of Israel

JUDAH the Cimarron Palenqueros...... The Cimarrons in Panama were enslaved Africans who had escaped from their Spanish masters and lived together as maroons. In the…

3 years ago

Imperial Malak Al Yahudah (Judah) the 4th Son of Ye’IQuB (Jacob)

Yahudah (Judah) the Fourth Son of Ye'IQuB Genesis 29: 31And when Yahuah saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb:…

3 years ago

Yahudeth (Judahite) Kings in Africa & South America

Yahudeth (Judahite) Kings in Africa & South America IN IBERO-AMERICA BY Natalia Silva Prada The cases of the self-proclaimed kings…

3 years ago

The Clans of Yahudah (Judah)

Judah the AfroLatinos such as the AfroPanamanians and the LusoAfricans such as the Cape Verdeans Juan de Pareja (c. 1606…

5 years ago