9 Yeshashakar

The 9th Tribe of YeShar’Al

Al YeShaShaKaR, son of Ye’IKuB, born of LA’aH

aka “Al Issacar”

Issachar the 9th son of Israel

ISSACHAR MIskitu Sambu..... The Miskito Sambu, also known simply as the Miskito, are an ethnic group of mixed cultural ancestry (African-Indigenous American)…

3 years ago

Cunning Warrior Al YeShShaKaR (Issachar) the 9th Son of Ye’IQuB (Jacob)

YeShShaKaR (Issachar) the Ninth Son of Ye'IQuB (Jacob) Genesis 30: 17And Alaheym hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare…

3 years ago